June 7, 2006

World Cup Qualifier - June 2 & 3

Richard "Ti" Meas, Khalid Mesbah and Hans Jepson (L to R), from La Boule NY won the tournament in Sonoma last Sunday and will represent the USA at the upcoming World Championships in Grenoble, Sept 20 to 24. For Ti this is the second year in a row.

They beat Xavier Thibaud, Alec Stone Sweet (both also of La Boule NY) and PJ Mallette (VOMPC, Sonoma) 15 to 8 in the finals.

Third place went to Freddy Canesse (Sarasota PC), Juan Garcia (S. Florida PC) and Gilles Canesse. (Sarasota PC).

And below, Barbara Hall, President of Valley of the Moon Petanque Club who hosted the event, and John Rolland, President of Federation of Petanque USA.

Many thanks to Juan for the pictures!

Here is the website of the 42nd WC in Grenoble. They are in love with Flash and long intros so you need to be patient...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures

It looks like fun

Best of luck tot he team